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Create Illusion: Make Any Room in Your House Feel Bigger with These Simple Tricks

Whether you live in a studio apartment or simply wish to do more with your home, there are a few universal tips and tricks to give the illusion of a bigger room. The perception of a room can be altered based on the combination of colours, light, and use of space – and no we aren’t magicians. The goal is to create a balance between functionality and aesthetics to make the most of your available space. Small rooms can be quite cozy if executed well. If you need to magically pull more space in your home from thin air, try implementing some of the following tips. 

  1. Less is More:

We know purchasing Knick-Knacks and decorative pieces are difficult to resist, but before you splurge on home décor, that is, vases, paper weights, etc., think twice about whether your space will benefit from each piece or if it will only clutter it up instead. If you don’t have the space to store endless items, you must be more selective about what you can fit in. Try to select only a few of your favourite pieces and be strategic with where you place them. 

  1. Declutter:

We hear you, the last thing that you want is to be stuck in a space that FEELS cramped.  A general rule of thumb is that if you do not use an item, get rid of it! The less junk you have to store, the more space you create. An excess of patterns can be chaotic in a small space. 

A white chair next to a small table

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  1. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…Create a Bigger Room for All:

Mirrors retract sunlight, which bounces around a room, making a space feel larger than it really is. Aim for full-length mirrors against a wall or reflect them against a window. 

  1. Modernity calls for a Glass Table

A glass table provides an airy, flowy feel which in turn creates the illusion of a bigger, more visually open space.

white and beige marble-top table
  1. Build Upward:

To maximize space, utilize shelving that builds up a wall rather than outward. You may as well make use of the inevitable wall space so that it draws the eye upward and allows more floor space for other furniture. 

blue ceramic vase on table
  1. Rearrange your Furniture:

Point your furniture towards a window. If your space is small, at least your guests will not feel claustrophobic staring at a wall. To create flow in any room, leave a little air between the wall and the side of the furniture. For example, a couch that touches both corners of a wall will appear snug whereas a slightly smaller one that has room on either side will open up the space more. 

  1. Elongate the Space:

If your space allows for it, place your furniture in a line or lines in the room. Not only will this elongate the space, but it will also create clear pathways to walk. 

a living room with a fireplace
  1. Choose Multi-purpose Furniture: 

If your bar stool & counter tops double as a kitchen table, or your console doubles as a desk, you can save a lot of space by not having too much furniture. If your bedroom is cramped, opt for a bed with drawers built in underneath. Furniture with more than one use is imperative in a small space. Be sure to snag a couple of pieces of furniture with legs. The legs allow your eyes to move through them and create space as opposed to furniture directly on the floor.

green leafy potted plant on table
  1. Paint with Light colours:

Light greys, creams, whites, and pale yellows all allow light to reflect which open up a room. 

  1. Don’t forget about the fifth wall:

The ceiling should complement the wall colours to help reflect more light. 

a man standing on a ladder painting a wall
  1. Pair with Dark Flooring:

Try to pair dark wood floors with light colour walls to create an illusion of a more open space. 

A picture containing building, indoor, flooring, window

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  1. Artwork:

Be selective with the paintings that you decide to hang on the walls. Typically, one large painting can make a space seem much larger than having several smaller pieces. 

couch near painting
  1. Avoid Rugs & Curtains:

Opt for blinds or shutters so that there is less clutter from curtains/drapes. In spaces that are already quite cramped, avoid rugs. They only take away from any open space you may have. 

green plant in pot beside window blinds
  1. Expand Narrow Doorways or Remove them Altogether

Using a contrasting colour, paint the edges of a doorway to effectively create the illusion of a more spacious entrance. If it’s not a bedroom or a bathroom, take the doors off so that the room can flow into another one and free up closed off space. 

white wooden framed glass door
  1. Vertical

 To create flow and space in an otherwise tiny room, you need to utilize the vertical space in some form. Whether that is by hanging a small chandelier or a hanging bulb, these floating objects create movement in the room which changes the space and leads to a more open feeling. 

brown pendant lamp on ceiling

Jackie Marson | Contributing Writer

Summer 2024

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