Easy Self-Care Ideas (For Really Busy People)

During a busy day with various commitments and distractions, it can be tough to carve out time for self-care. 

But suffice it to say, self-care is truly important, and neglecting our bodies can cause us trouble over time. So, what can be done in easy and simple ways, that can make a difference? Here are a few suggestions that do not require much work or time.

A five-minute walk each day: We may not always be able to find the time or the place to exercise, but there are workarounds that can be a reasonable facsimile. Skip the elevator and climb the few floors of stairs to work. It counts! Park thirty feet from your usual place to get those extra steps in. Rather than eat lunch at your desk, or the lunchroom, find a place outside to perch, such as under a tree, or a local bench. It will not only get your legs moving, but also gives you a little “sun vitamin” – that is, Vitamin D.

One vegetable can make a difference: No time to make a salad? Have grab ‘n’ go veggies to get your dose of healthy goodness. For example, buy a big bag of carrots, and with just a few minutes, they can be peeled and sliced, and bagged in the fridge. Each day, take a handful, with some hummus or sour cream, and you’ve got a veggie fi x. Carrots are packed with Vitamins A and C, potassium and beta-carotene. Also, quick and simple, cook a few sweet potatoes, mash individually, and add some spice. Take one a day to add to breakfast, lunch or dinner. They’re yummy, and good for you, containing fibre, protein, potassium, beta carotene, and vitamins B6 and C.

A refillable water bottle, by habit: It’s so important to keep hydrated – and doing so with the right kinds of liquids. Sodas and sugary drinks don’t really count. They can give you a quick burst of energy, but then crash you. A great way to keep yourself hydrated is by finding a water bottle that has some special meaning to you. Perhaps something with a cool design, a fun logo, or a unique lid. It will encourage you to use it, and carry with you, like an accessory. Fill it in the morning before work and take sips during your workday. 

Take a stretch break: All those hunched-over hours of typing at the desk doesn’t do your body any favours. It doesn’t cost anything to get out of the chair every hour, and take a full sixty seconds to re-align, breathe, and give your body a short rest. In fact, your back will thank you. 

A Gratitude Journal: It may sound corny, but there is a lot of merit to having a night-time gratitude journal. A beautifully bound fresh notebook is all you need. All it takes is a couple of minutes before you lie down, to remind yourself of the things you appreciated about that day. It shifts the mental focus to a mindset of positivity, so you don’t go to bed thinking about “what should have been”, or stewing about so-and-so for how they behaved towards you. Over time, you’ll see pages and pages of the gifts that were bestowed upon you, that you might not have thought about otherwise.

Meditate: Reduce stress, lower your blood pressure, fight depression, enjoy greater mindfulness, reduce negative feelings, and so much more, with regular meditation. There’s no shortage of YouTube videos or reliable websites to teach you basic techniques. A range of studies – from the esteemed Mayo Clinic, The Harvard Gazette, the National Library of Medicine, and the American Psychological Association – show the tremendous benefits of meditation on a routine basis.

Unplug and digital detox: All of that doom-scrolling – that is, fl ipping through negative news – can demolish our mental wellbeing over time. Add to that the divisiveness of social media, and the addictive quality of checking the phone constantly for emails or texts, and you have a formula for eroding your quality of life, not to mention detaching oneself from the real world, and real people. Set aside time where there is a “phone no-go,” be it an entire day per week (like a Sabbath) or a daily break. Maybe it’s putting your phone away during meals, or a line drawn at a certain time of night, when you’re ready to unplug and not be tethered to the device.

Dave Gordon | Contributing Writer

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